Completed an online internship focusing on
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and Figma.
at Interns Pakistan
Social Media & Meta Ad Manager
Managed social media channels and created
engaging content for Solangs. Utilized Meta Ad Manager to strategize and
optimize ad campaigns.
Shopify & Wordpress Designer
Worked remotely for a UAE-based Perfume store,
managing their E-commerce store. Also Designed and implemented a Shopify website for
Solangs' E-commerce store
at &
Technical Support Engineer
Worked with local and international service providers such as AT&T, Global & Experio for
providing support on networking and cloud services
at CubeXS Weatherly Pvt. Ltd.
03. Projects
This is an Ecommerce website build with Shopify and CanvaBuilding FoodPanda Clone using MERN Stack with the help of REST API, JWT Auth with Cookie Parser,
BcryptJS for password security and Tailwind for Styling
ReactJs based Budget App build with React-Router-DOM, React-Redux, Hooks and Bootstrap
Multi-Step Form with Validation based on HTML, CSS, JavaScript with DOM Manipulation
Restuarant Landing page from PSD to HTML based on 1440px screen sizePostJob Landing page from Figma to HTML conversion based on 1512px screen size